Koza preserves and protects the seed, hope, light, and the future. Its warmth makes you feel safe and belonging. A person cannot own, protect and carry the place he does not feel belonging to. But sometimes the place has a spirit beyond us that extends to the depths of history. The heart of Bursa is exactly where we feel this whole, complete spirit in our collective memory. Therefore, Koza has always been preserved and exists from the past to the future. However, the sense of belonging has begun to be forgotten in the urban space and daily life. At this point, 'Koza'ya Doğru' invites users to itself. In design, while Koza Street offers us a modest welcome with products unique to Bursa, Koza Park brings us to Koza Square with the calmness of green spaces and history exhibitions that refresh our memory. Koza Square is a place where the human need to make himself visible, that is, what Aristotle calls 'biospolitic' is what Arendt sees as the focal point of the public sphere. In this way, they will have a Koza that will make the users feel that they belong.