Cifal School is located in Muscat, Oman. The school consists of 3 floors. In addition to classrooms, it has areas such as activity areas, music classroom, exhibition areas and laboratories. It also offers students a flexible and social living space. The main entrance of the school building consists of a dome form. Therefore, the user enters through a wide opening and disperses to the different functions of the building. In the dome, which was designed from glass and steel, sunshade laths were applied to control the sunlight in the area. In order to control the sunlight that directly affects the usage areas on the other facades of the building, sunshades were continued on all facades. It is aimed to continue the effect at the entrance on the roof of the auditorium with a capacity of 460 people, located in the courtyard of the school, which is the striking area in the design. For this, the roof of the main courtyard, where the auditorium is located, consists of a cover with a steel and glass structure.